Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Compositional Strategies

1. Leading Lines- are lines within an image that leads the eye to another point in the image. 
The lines in the flowers lead to the windmill.

2. Vertical Lines-Lines going up to down.

The lines on the building are vertical. 

3.Horizontal Lines- Lines going side to side.

The wall work has horizontal lines.

4.Diagonal Lines- Lines going from corner to corner.

The lines in the leaf are horizontal.

5. Curved Lines- brings beauty to the photo.

The road is curved.

6. Symmetrical Balance- Same on both sides, creates balance.

The building is the same on both sides.

7. Asymmetrical Balance- Opposite of Symmetrical Balance.

There are rocks on one side but not the other.

8. Unity- Makes the artwork one

Colors create unity. 

9. Variety- Many different shapes and sizes

Different vegetables. 

10. Movement/ Rhythm- Moving in the photo.

The train is moving on the track.

11. Emphasis- Drawing attention to a single element.

Everything but the heart is black and white. Forcing your eyes to look at it.

12. Proportion/ Scale- shows different shapes and size.

The Eiffel Tower is large compared to the building.
13. Repetition/ Pattern- continuous 

The plants are repeating themselves going on and on.

14. Birds eye view- Photo taken from up above looking down

The picture was taken from the sky.

15. Worms eye view- Photo from below looking up

The picture was taken from the ground.

16. Horizon Line- Line showing the horizon

The sun is rising from the horizon.

17. Rule of Thirds- Main focus in one third of art

The boat is in a third of the photo.

18. Framing- Singling out a certain area of the photo.

The picture is taken through a window.

19. Simplicity- Not much to the photo very plain

Nothing to the picture.

20. Texture- the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.

You can feel the texture.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Matching Game

Elements & Principles of Design:

Asymmetrical Balance

Rule of Thirds

E/P of Design
Focused on one individual space.
pattern and repetition 
Repeated pattern.
birds eye view
Looking down on a picture
You can see the bird walking (MOVEMENT) through the water.
Leading Lines
Lines leading into the distance.
vertical lines
Vertical buildings
Colors together creating unity.
Uses scale to show distance.
symmetrical balance
Even on each side.
Horizontal lines
Horizontal planting lines
diagonal lines
There are diagonal lines
rule of thirds
3 things
You can see the texture you would feel
curved lines
Curved steps.
asymmetrical balance
Not the same on each side.
worms eye view
ground up view.
black and white minus the glowing green plant.
Different shells with different colors
Nothing but an egg
Horizon line
You can see the horizon at a perfect line.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


1.     What is composition
       ---Arrangements of visual elements within a frame.
2.     Why is it important to understand & utilize composition in photography?
         --- It is the difference between taking a screenshot and a photograph.
3.     Describe aspects of a “snapshot”. 
       ---A picture to recall a memory of something or someone.
4.     Describe aspects of a “photograph”.  
       ---An artistic interpretation of an object, event, or person.
5.     “Photography is the art of Discovery”

a.     Describe what interests you the most about this art form or what drew you to this form of communication.
---You take beautiful pictures with so much meaning behind them. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Camera Basics Quiz


No grain
I made the ISO really low and took a picture of Erin's face.
Blurred Background
I focused the photo on Erin's face and made sure there was a long background.

  • ISO: 100
  • APERTURE: 5.0

Stopped Motion
I made the shutter speed small and Nate jumped.

  • ISO: 400
  • APERTURE: 5.0

  • ISO: 400
  • APERTURE: 5.0

  • ISO: 100
  • APERTURE: 10.0
  • Blurred Selfie
    Made the Shutter  speed really high and moved my body using a timer.

I have learned that shutter speed makes picutres blurry and clear, aperture or F stop controls the lighting and ISO makes the photo not grainy.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Understanding Aperature


  • ISO: 800 
  • Aperture: 4.5
  • Shutter Speed: 1/200

  • ISO: 800
  • Aperture: 11.0
  • Shutter Speed: 160

1. Aperture is the size of the opening in a lense when a picture is taken.
2. When the aperture is lower the picture is brighter and vice versa.
3. The higher the aperture the lower the shutter speed and vice versa.


  • ISO:1600
  • Aperture: 5.6
  • Shutter Speed: 1/100

  • ISO: 1600
  • Aperture: 5.0
  • Shutter Speed: 1/200

1. Amount of time that the shutter is open.
2. Decides whether the photo will be blurry or clear. 
3. The higher the shutter speed the lower the aperture.


  • ISO: 1600
  • Aperture: 5.6
  • Shutter Speed: 1/5

  • ISO:200
  • Aperture: 5.6
  • Shutter Speed: 1.6

1. Measure of a digital camera sensors sensitivity to light.
2. The higher the ISO the lighter the photo is.
3. The lower the ISO the lower the aperture.

White Balance




