Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Compositional Strategies

1. Leading Lines- are lines within an image that leads the eye to another point in the image. 
The lines in the flowers lead to the windmill.

2. Vertical Lines-Lines going up to down.

The lines on the building are vertical. 

3.Horizontal Lines- Lines going side to side.

The wall work has horizontal lines.

4.Diagonal Lines- Lines going from corner to corner.

The lines in the leaf are horizontal.

5. Curved Lines- brings beauty to the photo.

The road is curved.

6. Symmetrical Balance- Same on both sides, creates balance.

The building is the same on both sides.

7. Asymmetrical Balance- Opposite of Symmetrical Balance.

There are rocks on one side but not the other.

8. Unity- Makes the artwork one

Colors create unity. 

9. Variety- Many different shapes and sizes

Different vegetables. 

10. Movement/ Rhythm- Moving in the photo.

The train is moving on the track.

11. Emphasis- Drawing attention to a single element.

Everything but the heart is black and white. Forcing your eyes to look at it.

12. Proportion/ Scale- shows different shapes and size.

The Eiffel Tower is large compared to the building.
13. Repetition/ Pattern- continuous 

The plants are repeating themselves going on and on.

14. Birds eye view- Photo taken from up above looking down

The picture was taken from the sky.

15. Worms eye view- Photo from below looking up

The picture was taken from the ground.

16. Horizon Line- Line showing the horizon

The sun is rising from the horizon.

17. Rule of Thirds- Main focus in one third of art

The boat is in a third of the photo.

18. Framing- Singling out a certain area of the photo.

The picture is taken through a window.

19. Simplicity- Not much to the photo very plain

Nothing to the picture.

20. Texture- the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.

You can feel the texture.

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