Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lighting Final

Front light

Back Light

45 degrees


Front Light

1. Shelby is my Best Friend and she means a lot to me.
2. Shelby is very giggly, happy, funny, and lazy.
3. This unit bettered my camera skills and taught me where to line up my model to make the picture the best it can be.


  1. 1. From the photos the model seems like a very joyful person. Also, she seems slightly sexy from the poses she does.
    2. The lighting reveals a lot of the person and brings out her beauty.
    3. I would suggest taking some pictures inside and maybe getting some more serious/not as over exposed pictures.

  2. 1. The model is happy, outgoing, and giggly.
    2. All of the pictures are really good!! ;) The lighting is set up perfectly and everything is in focus. The exposure is on point. Great job with showcasing her personality! A+ Kier <3
    3. Maybe take pictures with artificial light/existing light.


  3. 1. The model seems very outgoing and confident. You can tell she likes being the subject of the photos and having the camera pointed at her.

    2. The thing that makes these photos successful is that they are taken outside in good lighting and in the same environment. They all go together and are not just random pictures.

    3. A suggestion I can give is to get some more shade photos. Because they are taken in natural light, shadows would provide an interesting level of depth in the photos.
